Sukrit Khanna and Karan Kuncheria Philip top the country with 99.8% in ICSE (All India Rank 1).      Akshay Jain secures 99% in ISC (Science Stream).


Environmental Drives

Environmental Drives

Sustainable living and a care for the future is deeply instilled in our students.


Our digital warriors use technology to change the lives of others.

Joy of Giving

Joy of Giving

Sharing what we have with others brings joy and laughter to the givers and the recipients.

Planet 4.0

We have contributed to reducing waste by having recycling drives for cloth, e-waste and paper.

Planet 4.0
Guest Lectures

Guest Lectures

Experts in the respective fields are invited to share their expertise with the student body.

Boot Camp

Students are given a detailed idea of what courses and careers that await

Boot Camp


Internships are a valuable tool to give students the knowledge necessary to choose the right career.


This partners volunteers with students from underprivileged backgrounds to share life learning, skills and knowledge.

Learning Outdoors

Learning Outdoors

Field trips and on site visits add to the joy of learning.

Social Awareness

We help develop a social conscience and cultivate the willingness to reach out to others.

Social Awareness